Motivic Lefschetz theorem for twisted Milnor hypersurfaces

活动时间:2024-05-31 19:30

活动地点:腾讯会议 218 422 302



熊锐,加拿大渥太华大学在读博士,导师:Kirill Zainoulline 教授。本科毕业于山东大学。研究兴趣为代数几何,特别是几何表示论和 Schubert 演算,其最新的工作“Automorphisms of the quantum cohomology of the Springer resolution and applications”发表于国际著名综合性数学期刊 《Advances in Mathematics》,“Equivariant log-concavity and equivariant Kahler packages” 发表于国际代数学领域顶尖期刊《Journal of Algebra》。


In this talk, I will discuss the motivic decomposition of a smooth hyperplane section in twisted Milnor Hypersurfaces. The key feature of our result is the appearance of a spectrum of a particular field in the decomposition. A critical ingredient is in the non-triviality of the (monodromy) Galois action on the equivariant Chow group. The steps of our proof can be likened to several theorems in Hodge theory of complex algebraic geometry. This is a joint work with Kirill Zainoulline.
